Pada 5hb-7hb ogos yang lalu..PP UMnp telah menganjurkan sebuah aktiviti rehlah saqafah (rest). Ia terbuka kepada pelajar semester 1..tidak ketinggalan siswa-siswi APIDS.
Program ini bertujuan untuk mengeratkan ukhwah antara PP dan siswa-siswi sem 1. Selain itu, program ini adalah untuk merehatkan siswa-siswi dari pelbagai bentuk masalah di UM seperti assignment, rifqah dan program2 lain.
Antara slot2 yang terdapat dalam program ini adalah seperti slot kepentingan tarbiyah dlm kalangan mahasiswa yang disampaikan oleh Prof. Madya Dr Shukeri, slot Mesra bahasa Arab yang disampaikan oleh Ustaz Norhazrul dan slot bersama Akh Shahrul Nizam dan banyak lagi. Disamping itu, program ini turut mengadakan aktiviti melakukan assginment bersama2 Fasi, aktiviti BBQ di PCB, slot debat Dakwah Vs Study dan lain.
Semoga semua siswa-siswi APIDS mendapat manfaat daripada program ini dan mengaplikasikannya dalam kehidupan seharian. Ambil yang jerneh buang yang keruh. Sama2lah memperbaiki diri untuk masa yang akan mendatang. Kami bagi pihak APIDS mengharapkan lebih banyak aktiviti seperti ini dianjurkan yang melibatkan kami.
Some 45% of normal adults snore at least occasionally, and 25% are habitual snorers. Problem snoring is more frequent in males and overweight persons, and it usually grows worse with age.
More than 300 devices are registered in the U.S Patent and Trademark Office as cures for snoring. Some are variations on the old idea of sewing a tennis ball on the pajama back-to force the snorer to sleep on his side. (Snoring is often worse when the person sleeps on his back). Chin and head usually disappointing as snoring cures. Many electrical devices have been designed to produce painful or unpleasant stimuli when the patient snores. The presumption was that a person could be trained or conditioned not to snore. Unfortunately, snoring is not under the person’s control whatsoever; and if these work. It is probably because they keep the snorer awake.
What cause snoring?? The noisy sounds of snoring occur when there is an obstruction to the free flow of air through the passages at the backof the mouth and nose. This is collapsible part of the airway where the tongue and upper throat meet the soft palate and uvula (the fleshy structure that dangles from the roof of the mouth back into the throat). When these structures strike against each other and vibrate during breathing- that is snoring. Persons who snore have at least one of the following problems:
1.Poor muscle tone (lack of tightness) in the muscle of the tongue and throat.
2.Excessive bulkiness of tissues of the throat.
3.Excessive length of the soft palate and uvula.
4.Obstructed nasal airway.
Also, deformities of the nose or nasal septum frequently cause such obstruction. “deviated septum” is a common term for a deformity inside the nose in the wall that separates one nostril from the other.
Can snoring be cured? By far the majority of snores can helped. For adults who are mild or occasional snores, the following self-help remedies are worth trying.
1.Adopt an athletic life-style and exercise daily to develop good muscle tone and loose weight.
2.Avoid tranquilizers, sleeping pills and antihistamines before bedtime.
3.Avoid alcoholic beverages within 4 hours of retiring.