The date of our Math's subject for final exam.
For FJAX 0112 (Calculus) - 25th October 2010, Monday at 9.00 am.
For FJAX 0111 (Algebra & Geometry) - 28th October 2010, Thursday at 9.00 am. You can go anywhere you want right after the paper. InsyaAllah.
Hereby, I would like to wish good luck to all APIDS' kids for the incoming papers. You'll can do it!
All A's insyaAllah.

syukran 4 da info..
insyaAllah together everyone achieve more (TEAM)..
buat elok2 yer..ktorg taun lps, byk sgt men2..set dlm kpala kte boleh, i.Allah bleh..perbykkan ltihan saat2 akhir..
knpe mjoriti post kt blog apids ni dlm bhse ingris??
mne pegi mertbat bhse mlyu
hidup melayu!!!
insya-Allah... harap2 smua dpt kputusn yg baik..hidup islam!!
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